Have You Ever Daydreamed?
Daydreams are a form of a non-ordinary state that allow you access to expanded awareness. You allow your thoughts to drift and you may experience creative solutions. Maybe you have experienced this state while engrossed in reading, driving, or while meditating. You are present, but you are also somewhere else.
In times past, hypnosis was often used where a practitioner made direct suggestions while the client was in a deep trance state.
Today, hypnotherapy is a self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist them in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. It is the application of universally accepted self-discovery techniques and self-improvement methods.
With facilitation, you are able to move into this non-ordinary state that I call Wakeful Dreaming. Wakeful Dreaming will help free you from fear-based programming and assumed limitations. While in Wakeful Dreaming, you are conscious and aware. Yet this state allows the ego and conscious mind to rest and the more metaphysical and loving aspects of our natures to have center stage. You are in a state of flow and have no concept of time.