Whisper Of Trees
The Opposite of Belonging is Fitting In!
Striving to fit in can lead to symptoms like imposter syndrome and a sense of overwhelm. It may also create feelings of isolation, even in the company of others, and leave us constantly searching for our true purpose in life.
In the pursuit of acceptance, we often assess situations and mold ourselves into who we think we need to be to gain approval. It’s time to release these limiting belief systems (BS) and embrace authenticity.
There is a reason you are here today.
Beyond our usual state of consciousness lies a wealth of untapped resources. Let’s explore what’s available to help you transcend your current state and connect with the power that arises from being centered, grounded, and fully authentic.
A genuine sense of belonging enables you to be part of something greater than yourself, while also having the courage to stay true to who you are and fully belong to yourself.
My Offerings
Quantum Consciousness Sessions
I will guide you in expanding your awareness, helping you move beyond the confines of the body, intellect, and personality.
You are so much more than this moment.
Hypnotherapy - Wakeful Dreaming
Using a gentle, client-centered approach to guiding your consciousness into a wakeful dreaming state, where you can connect with your higher self and guides to access the subconscious.
Exploring Gateways to Higher Consciousness
Do you believe that we are more than our physical and intellectual selves? Can you envision realities beyond our physical senses? Let’s shed our conditioning and embrace Higher Consciousness.

Hypnotherapy is all about relaxing and focusing intensely, just like when you're glued to a good book or jamming to your favorite tunes. This state of mind makes it easier for your subconscious to accept positive suggestions and bring about changes in your life. It's a cool way to tap into your inner self and make some awesome improvements!
It's all about our one-of-a-kind psychospiritual techniques! We help you tap into your inner spiritual vibe while making sure you feel totally safe and in control. Our approach is client-focused, with intuitive questions guiding you to uncover your own answers. It's an amazing journey of self-discovery and empowerment!
It's pretty common to slip into a state like hypnosis when you're super focused on something, daydreaming, or about to fall asleep. Or to enter a trance like state when reacting to a triggering event. So, oftentimes, the goal is to break out of these conditioned responses and get back to a more natural, free-flowing state of mind and body. Your imagination is a powerful tool that can help you chill out and reach a relaxed state.
The goal here is to go beyond just your body and mind functions, finding a chill state while expanding your awareness. By shaking off those pesky conditioned responses, you can tap into a space of peace and connection. From this relaxed state, it's much easier to welcome personal transformation and make forever changes in your life.
The sessions offered by Whisper of Trees Wellness are all about you and what you need, so we can mix and match techniques to fit your vibe. You might try out EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), bilateral stimulation, movement, creative writing, drawing, and more. The goal here is to go beyond just how your body and mind work, finding a chill vibe while expanding your awareness. This way, you can reach a state of well-being and make those positive changes stick from an elevated frequency.
Check out the Services section to see the specific rates!